Rinascimento is a brand of the Teddy Group with over 50 years of experience, and is present in 43 countries with its 600 stores.
Over 50 years of experience and 600 sales locations. Innovative marketing and visual merchandising projects, a careful business analysis, a unique and organised staff training strategy, and an unbeatable price/quality ratio, all give our commercial formula a competitive edge.
The store
Expanding your business does not mean investing in large areas of real estate. The minimum requirements for a potential franchise are:
• a location in the city centre or in a shopping centre of prime importance with a surface area of between 150 and 300 square metres;
• a space to be used as a warehouse of between 40 and 60 square metres;
• an entrance and at least two shop windows;
• an estimated catchment area of no less than 50,000 inhabitants.

Contact us
For more information, please write to us at shop@rinascimento.com